These Are the Tech-Savvy Promotional Products You Are Looking For

  • Feb 22, 2019

Technology advances exponentially. By the time you finish reading this article, you might be actually be reading it in some virtual reality café where Elvis is serving you a strawberry daiquiri out of a glass slipper. Or maybe you’ve just won a star-fighter race with the last remnants of an enemy empire. Either way, thanks for taking the time away from your luxurious virtual reality to read up on the coolest promotional products that you can pitch to your tech-savvy customers.


1. VR Headset

 That old guy at the end of Back to the Future tried to warn us: “Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” Nailed it. Just get your brand on an awesome virtual reality set and you’ll be the awesome business that delivered your customers into all kinds of possibilities. As technology advances, the capabilities of virtual reality in the future are endless. No roads required.


2. Wireless Charger

Pinocchio didn’t need strings and your customers don’t either. Get your brand on something tech-friendly like these wireless chargers and your customers will love you. No more searching for wires after a nighttime read. Just set your phone down and you are good to go.


3. Wireless Earbuds


Sometimes people want to listen to their jams or podcasts without going for the humongous headphones look. You can go for these subtle earbuds. These earbuds will not only let your customers know that you are in-the-know on current trends, but they’ll be able to convey that to their own customers and employees; these earbuds speak volumes for your reputation.


4. Bluetooth Sunglasses

 Want to go one step beyond earbuds? How about Bluetooth sunglasses? From Silicon Valley to Napa Valley, your tech-savvy fans will love being able to sport a fashionable pair of shades that play their favorite podcasts and playlists. And they even look cool!


5. Flower Pot Wireless Speaker



One fun thing about tech-lovers is that a lot of them love a good novelty piece. We’re a big fan of this wireless flower pot speaker. It will pair with Bluetooth-capable phones and also serve as a friendly desktop reminder for customers that your business knows how to have a little fun with technology. Oh, also, it holds flowers.


Looking for more promotional products for the tech-savvy? Let us know and we’ll get you set up to win big.